Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?

Home Forums Ireland well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ? Re: Re: well what about the developments popping up in the shannonside ?


@CologneMike wrote:

Have you heard anything more for the former Hanratty’s Hotel on Glenthworth Street? The planning application extends into the whole core of that block, including a building on Cecil Street on the other side.

Theres been some alterations to the original plan which simply involved the conversion of the hotel into offices. The developer is now seeking to demolish the hotel and replace it with a retail and office building. Further information was requested back in August but according to the council website, the developer hasnt yet responeded! It would be more appropriate imo if the building was restored to its original state, ie. exposing its original brickwork and replacing the plastic windows.

As you say, there is a fairly large site to the rear of the hotel, beyond the mews lane. This site would appear to have changed hands in the last couple of years. Back in 2003/4 ABP turned down an application for a multi storey car park:rolleyes: on the site which would have involved the demolition of an old quaker meeting house. Incidentally there are 2 fairly interesting features forming the entrances to this site from Cecil Street.

Hartigans Horse Respository NIAH

Red Cross, Art Deco gateway NIAH

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