Re: Re: The sensitive issue of the title “Architect” and the Building Control Bill 2005

Home Forums Ireland The sensitive issue of the title "Architect" and the Buildin Re: Re: The sensitive issue of the title “Architect” and the Building Control Bill 2005


Right on Meow. Set the CAT among the pigeons.

The question of protecting the name Architect for the sole use of ye who hold the title is all fair and good. Then maybe we as technologists should perhaps forbid you from quoting Building Regulations, which you have not been thought in college, sorry University. Forbid you from scrawling a detail of a window jamb on a piece of paper for a builder who’s in a hurry because you are simply not qualified to do so. Forbid you from holding a staff in a field while some poor underling technician operates the level because god forbid you were never shown how to hold that staff in the correct upright position so as to obtain a correct reading. Maybe we should lobby to eliminate all but design from your proffession because it suits us to do so. It all smacks of elitist bullshit guys and whats more ye know it.

Since when did actual terms mean the competence of the person performing the act. It was a Swiss patent clerk by the name Einstein who turned the scientific world upside down with his theories of special and general relativity. Yet he never had any formal education in the area of physics. Yet this lowly patent clerk managed to refute the gospel according to Newton, and totally re-write the way science perceives the universe. Without Einstein no theory of relativity, no String or M theory, No closer to understanding the Universe. Actually science would be going in the completely wrong direction. Compelling eh. Yet would any of you dare to call Einstien Unqualified????

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