Re: Re: Sam Stephenson Old 1980s Documentary on RTE

Home Forums Ireland Sam Stephenson Old 1980s Documentary on RTE Re: Re: Sam Stephenson Old 1980s Documentary on RTE



I am struggling to keep up with this new internet radio technology stuff. Maybe the boundaries between traditional media and new media are blurring. If in fact the new media was ever new at all. I still like to think it is anyhow. I highly recommend this discussion between Greg Lynn, Eisenmann and a lot more folks here:

It is an old video now. Sort of end of mellenium discussion etc. But it is really interesting to watch the clash between new and old crowd in that google video. Some great sound bytes and quotes in it too, like Eisenman says, Architecture is an older man’s game, which it no doubt is. A bit of healthy friction I reckon is good. That is what bothers me most about the Vincent Browne panel – it is all the established old guard, with no spanners thrown into the works. Okay, Merritt is the token ‘young guy’ in that group. But it would have been more interesting if Vicent Browne had thrown in a vocal newbee or two, just to rattle the old cage a bit.

Thanks again.

Brian O’ Hanlon.

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