Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


@Fearg wrote:

Here is a link to the report:

I have just listened to this BBC link provided by Fearg. The diocesean spokesperson exudes a less than totally reassuring sense. I had to laugh at the mouthfoul of guff pourded aout by him: “The real problem is that we have a 19th. century sanctuary for 21 st. century worship”. ! There is one for – no doubt landed to him by Paddy Jones and repeated in the case of less than well educated Augustinian friars in Galway. Clearly, the Cloyne spokesman has not been keeping up to date with his clerical reading and does not appear to have heard anything of the hermeneutic of continuity.

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