Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Brendan Grimes

There is a copy of Nicholas Numskull’s satirical poem on Irish architecture in the RIA in the Haliday pamphlets. I think there might be a photocopy in IAA. I didn’t copy the whole poem – only the bit I was interested in, here it is:

Without one ray of genius – not a spark,
L-s-n comes next – a Chapel building clerk;
So dull and stupid – could you once suspect
This brainless oaf to be an architect.

As Croker says – Sound trumpets – beat the drums
And clear the way – for boxing B-lg-r comes!
I’ll back him in the ring ‘gainst any odds! –
B-lg-r the scamp! – abhor’d by men and gods.

A worthy pair, fit rivals to contend,
For fame and cash – but Bolger gain’d his end;
Good Doctor Blake, look to the parish purse,
If L-s-n’s bad – B-lg-r is ten times worse.

I doubt if Byrne asked that there be no headstone for him, the simple reason was probably that there was no money for it. I know that he died poor and that his daughter was unprovided for at his death which might have been the reason his library was sold.

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