Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


Just looked up Matar̩ and have discovered that Praxiteles is indeed familiar with a number of his works in Germany Рalbeit without realizing who their architect was.

Among them, the Catholic Social Institute (KSI) of the Archdiocese of Cologne in Bad Honnef which is a most fascinating piece of work which has a very interesting modern chapel with some notable modern enamel works of the four zoomorphic symbols of the synoptic Gospels together with others including an ass. The tabernacle surround is perhaps not the best.

The chapel is octagonal, the walls in intriicit couses of brickwork.

In the crucifix above, the idea that the crucified Saviour could be considered to be an “alien” would give rise to a whole gamut of Christological problems since one of of the fundamental prinicples of the discipline -insisted on from earliest times- is quod non assumptum non redemptum (that which was not assumed (human nature) was not redeemed).

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