Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


@Gianlorenzo wrote:

FOSCC enlisted an eminent liturgist Dr Alcuin Reid and an eminent canon lawyer Dr Alan Kershaw, to put their point across. Have you read what they had to say? FOSCC has never deviated from the Vatican line, albeit pre or post Vatican II.
If you could put your prejudices on hold for a short time and read the entire FOSCC submission to the oral hearing you might learn something. Do not judge them on what they did not say, judge them on what they said.

I have read through the FOSCC submission and I agree that the evidence given by Dr. Reid was impressive. However, the implication of Dr. Kershaw’s evidence was that Dr. Reid had come to the wrong forum. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments appears to be the appropriate body to review the Cloyne HCAC’s statement on the liturgical requirements. The Inspector noted that under Section 34(13) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000, “a person shall not be entitled solely by reason of a permission under this section to carry out any development”. FOSCC should not have expected the Appeals Board to intervene in the internal affairs of a religious denomination.

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