Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches

Home Forums Ireland reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches Re: Re: reorganisation and destruction of irish catholic churches


@LeoWong wrote:

A parishioner has now written a letter to the bishop about the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, NY. A letter from the Cathedral Pastoral Advisory Council may follow.

A Letter to Bishop Howard J. Hubbard

Leo Wong

You have my full sympathy, Leo, but I fear that it will require more than Mrs W-S-‘s letter, worthy as it is, and that of the Pastoral Advisory Council to rout the wreckovators. Take a leaf from the faithful congregation of The Church of Our Lady in Guelph, Ontario. There the pastor had already commissioned Fr V to present his plans for that proposed ‘renovation.’ The faithful had to rise up and inform the pastor than no further funds would be forthcoming if he pursued the proposal. It took more than a few letters for that message to get through. When the pastor finally backed down and decided to restore rather than modernise the church, the parish ended up having to pay the ‘architect’ something in the area of $50,000.00 -just for the plans!

If the bishop has already commissioned the architect, then you will have to be more assertive in your opposition to the proposed plan.

All the best in your efforts to retain the integrity of your church.

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