Re: Re: Primetime 12th February 2008 – Re New Planning Gidelines

Home Forums Ireland Building on Sean McDermott St. Re: Re: Primetime 12th February 2008 – Re New Planning Gidelines


@jdf wrote:

I’m trying to find out more about the convent on that same street as I’ve noticed recently that has that little planning sign on it, like a mark of death I’m afraid! I would really like to know more about this – I would like to get inside it before its knocked down or turned inside out or whatever the developers have in store for it! could you maybe point me in the right direction? I am an artist who is very interested in urban planning, spatial relations and power relations, as well as the bureaucratic language of planning and development. Thanks! 🙂

I believe the convent site is to be part of a new civic centre incorporating a theatre, a civic information centre and other community spaces.
From what I can gather there will also be apartments on the site and the convent building will form one of the blocks.

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