Re: Re: Pierse Construction in Liquidation

Home Forums Ireland Pierse Construction in Liquidation Re: Re: Pierse Construction in Liquidation


Well, what a difference a decade makes then. I respect your right to feel offended by honest talk but as I haven’t mentioned named individuals or specific projects I shall continue to exercise my right to free speech and comment on what I know.

I worked on a McNamara project for the State. Two years in the trenches. They were late, blamed everyone but themselves (I know, an industry norm), and apart from cutting corners and substituting materials they were dangerous. I was mistakenly sent a fax from a partition supplier confirming that as per the Contracts managers request all fire rated walls were to be replaced by acoustic walls. When confronted he claimed it was a mistake and that the supplier must have “misinterpreted” his requirements. Yet Macs still attempted to install the acoustic walls instead of the fire rated walls, hoping that if they were closed in quickly no-one would ever find out.

In the Naughties Big Mac wasn’t as hands on as he might have been. He was far too busy developing and buying up land banks be concerned with the low income side of his business. He visited site twice in two years, and one of them was at the official opening by his pal Bertie. Flew into Weston from NY in his private jet. Flew back a few hours later. I don’t think he said more than two words to the Site Team.

Interestingly we were dined out after the opening, at the newly McNamara refurbished Morrison Hotel. We were the first to try out the new rooftop restaurant. It rained. We got drenched and couldn’t finish our meal. Summed up the whole experience really.

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