Re: Re: Look at de state of Cork, like!

Home Forums Ireland Look at de state of Cork, like! Re: Re: Look at de state of Cork, like!


@mickeydocs wrote:

Hey Lex, can you give us any more info on what we can expect on Kennedy quay?

Thanks in advance.

– Kennedy Quay area announcement (Spring 2005 – possibly later)

IAWS have drawn up plans for R&H Hall Weybridge Grain Silos on Kennedy Quay – to be honest, I don’t know which plan they intend to go with – although I was told of 2. Things may since have changed. I was also told that IAWS intend to make an announcement this year (either Spring or Summer – though you never know, it could be even later) regarding their plans for the site. One involves the sale of the site to a private developer, then using the capital gained to develop a new facility in the Cork Harbour area or further down the Port. The other envisions a joint development. Either way, the schedule of events will be extended – numerous moves will have to be made on the part of IAWS. Their intentions, I presume, would take course over a period of a few years. R&H Hall is a massive site – any private developer to take it on-board would have to be one or two of the big boys – or a collective of medium sized developers. The rewards however could be outstanding – but that depends on how the silos are utilised (whether they be redeveloped, or demolished to make way for new landmark structures). IAWS plans cater for both – but they are not the be-all, a third party may wish to pursue an alternate approach.

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