Re: Re: Look at de state of Cork, like!

Home Forums Ireland Look at de state of Cork, like! Re: Re: Look at de state of Cork, like!


its an absolute disgrace to hear that such an integral part of the airport development may be shelved, and I don’t even want to get started on the Horgans Quay site because its a disgrace! I hate CIE, they already have such a hold over my life at the moment because I have no choice but to rely on their chronic services every day to get me around. Thats not bad enough without hearing that they have put the redevelopment of this site back to at least 2007. I want them to move now not later. Get up off their pampered public sector asses and open this site for development. It has the potential to create a high density urban quarter in the city that is not totally car dependant! a CPO would be music to my ears and it would be a great coo for the council and overall the peoples republic! Let the revolution begin

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