Re: Re: Is it really now time to consider restriction of service
Home › Forums › Ireland › Is it really now time to consider restriction of service?? › Re: Re: Is it really now time to consider restriction of service
Architects are competent to comment on all matters in relation to buildings.
Contrary to your assertion Missarchi, they know a lot about a lot of things.
The outlook looks bleak for those students leaving the courses this year.
Design ability doesn’t put money in the account or food on the table.
Its time the schools started thinking about the numbers emerging.
Its clear they’re run to a profit-taking agenda, not sustainability.
A little bit of professionalism managing all markets is needed.
The bullshit idea that a chaotic market regulates itself?
That’s like saying criminals will run to confess crimes.
Just a load of utter bollox promulgated by the Yanks.
As for the incentive – you wouldn’t understand.
Its a career, its a vocation, its a profession.
You either are an architect, or you aren’t.