Re: Re: High Rise Building

Home Forums Ireland High Rise Building Re: Re: High Rise Building


On our Canary Dwarfs: There are one or two angles where the bulk of the overall is hidden by a particular block and you could just reach for discriptions like ‘elegant’, but, overall, it reads to me as a leaden fake cluster. The most prominant aspect (to the river) is very poor, in my opinion, with the potential dynamic of the ‘cluster’ ruined by the symetrical massing.

I’ve been thinking about the Barbican towers again, I think some of their appeal (to me anyway) is that they have some of the qualities of big gothic towers, with brutal projecting bits and loads of ruggedness. The three towers are also varied and almost randomly located in a casual cluster. Again you can’t really use the word elegant, but they’re not ‘slick’ which what I think of when the Gerkin is mentioned.

The Barbican towers are located in an old part of the city, which is the biggest problem that I have in trying to turn a fondness for them into an acceptable design strategy that would work in Dublin. I think it comes back to what several more knowledgeable poster have said, that a ‘high rise’ can be justified in almost any location if it’s inspirational enough.

It’s just that, knowing Dublin, is it going to be inspirational? see Canary Dwarfs above.

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