Re: Re: Does Galway exist

Home Forums Ireland Does Galway exist Re: Re: Does Galway exist


I was very much shaken by the generally positive tone of that whole series of articles.

A general touch of “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” all round in them, with much of the relatively small amount of criticism devoted to absence of adequate public transport – a fair point but not the central problem in many or most Irish towns and indeed not one at all easy to address. If there are so many one off great works, why is the overall environment so dire then?

In particular, the Waterford one ignored the dire and poorly landscaped housing estates on the Dungarvan road – very reminiscent of the worst features of Tallaght and crying out for a berm, or trees . As this is very close to the Waterford Glass plant, itself no beauty, which is a tourist mecca, it provides a very poor and lasting image of Waterford for many.

Never pass them myself without a shudder.

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