Re: Re: developments in cork

Home Forums Ireland developments in cork Re: Re: developments in cork


I was just thinking the other day about the new stadium being talked about for munster in limerick and i know limerick is meant to be the home of rugby and all that but wouldnt it make much more sense financially for it to be built in cork not only because of the bigger population factor but they could share it with cork city who are the best supported team in the country and who it is known would like to move to a bigger more independant stadium!maybe it could be built just outside blackpool for the limerick crowd with all the development going on there!also just wondering does anyone have any info on the conference/event centre as its just geting anoying now with all the talk of it when there is such a need/market for it!(hopefully it will be an indoor arena like the odessy in belfast which i heard was planned for the showgrounds and which would be of much more benifit to the city)

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