Re: Re: developments in cork

Home Forums Ireland developments in cork Re: Re: developments in cork


Yes, I’m not sure what has happened to Lexington these days, but I’m sure he’ll let us know in his own good time!!

Cork City Council have opened (for UCC students and staff) the first phase
of the walkway which runs from the Mardyke to the western boundary of the
UCCMercy University Hospital (MUH) lands at the North Mall. UCC has
constructed a connecting link walkway which provides access to their North
Mall Campus.
The overall project when completed by City Council (expected end January)
will extend the entire length of the riverbank through the jointly owned
lands and terminate at the entrance gates to the North Mall adjacent to
Distillery House. This is being facilitated through close co-operation
and land transfers between the University, Cork City Council and Mercy
University Hospital.
The walkway is a key part of teh UCC physical master plan and will provide
easy pedestrian access to current and future developments at the North
The City Council have committed to providing public lighting on the
pathway which will be installed in the coming months.

A map of the walkway is located here.

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