Re: Re: Derry, I’m here too.

Home Forums Ireland Derry, I’m here too. Re: Re: Derry, I’m here too.


When the UK’s Queen mother died recently BBC NI did a feature where they interviewed certain grandees who had met the old drunk. One Orange Man had met her twice; the second time they met he was disappointed she didn’t remember him so he reminded her he was from the Orange Lodge in Londonderry. According to him she appeared distracted, began to walk away, then spun on her heel and replied ‘oh! you mean Derry!’. To which he responded, ‘well if Derry’s good enough for you, it’s good enough for me!’.

So that’s it settled, if Britain’s last Queen-Empress, the nationalists of Derry and virtually everybody on this board, not to mention local Protestants whom by all accounts agree, it is Derry. The only people I’ve ever heard it calling it Londonderry are gullible cartographers, Belfast Protestants and apologists for a psuedo fascist regime in Dublin who think that they are somehow being helpful call it Londonderry.

There again, as a southern Protestant who despises Ulster Unionism I guess I’ll always be somewhat biased!

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