Re: Re: Course in UCC & CIT

Home Forums Ireland Course in UCC & CIT Re: Re: Course in UCC & CIT


No info on UCC directly as it wasn’t around when I stared; and I’m not knocking it or passing judgement on it in any way, but may I ask why not Dublin?

UCD -last time I checked- was the only Irish school to be accredited by the RIBA, which makes some things slightly easier if you ever move to the UK later (as I did)

If I assume its a distance/convenience thing, I would just caution, that’s not really a good enough reason, its a 5 year + commitment, don’t be put off by distance, or preconceived notions about Dublin, or whatever (I could be completely off the mark here, apologies if I am) but just be aware of all your options.

Just as an aside, in the UK its actually common to do the Part 1 and Part 2 in different colleges, considering that many new schools have opened in Ireland since I did the Part 1, it seems like it is an option worth looking into.

To answer your specific questions
-Time spent on the course will severely curtail your sporting activity, although it shouldn’t stop you completely. (If you do find yourself with loads of free time, then there’s something wrong)
-Not really a problem if you don’t have art, I didn’t and I turned out fine (I did tech drawing as it happens)
-No, applied maths is of absolutely no use for architecture, although if you want to keep your options open as regards Engineering, maybe listen to your brother.

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