Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

a boyle

There just seems to me to be such a such waste in sending traffic through college green. There is one improvement i think we could all agree on. Close Suffulk street, make grafton street two way. You would need to move the loading bay facilities in front of spar round the corner onto suffolk street, but that is not too hard.

If the port tunnel gives the respite that is is capable of there are many things like this that could be done . Maybe stop cars driving onto college green. If you think about it anytime you use college green you could use the quays instead.

The big transport ideas are not that technical , but it takes a while to get your head around them. I would say to stephenc that some will be built. — the extension to the lulu will be built.
despite the train strike recently , all the trains tracks in country have been renewed in recent years. And an entire new set of trains for all the different services are either on order or have arrived. Thats a big job!

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