Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

a boyle

you are absolutely right about the ratp. but you did forget to mention ,that they go on strike . You when it’s little isabelle communion. or they had a late night . Or they just neeeeeeeeeed a break.

competing agencies ought to be a really good thing, if their was a transport minister who could take decisions. And there is the nub , all the transport decisions affect bertie’s constituency directly or indirectly.

So while brennan seemed to be competent ( he reorganised the road contracts so that the price thats named is the final price) his hands were tied behind is back . no interconnector / because that means no metro for the next 7 years. Do NOTHING with aer lingus and of course do NOTHING with aer rianta (it still exists! ).

Then he was switched for actually thinking he could decide what happened to aer lingus , and was replaced with cartoon character of a minister.

You have definitely hit the nail on the head. I would hope the next administration would bring in a toiseach not dependant on that constituency.

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