Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Re: Re: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians


Have to agree with you 100% Alex – this is absolutely scandalous. I too used the crossing recently with no markings and motorists were just bewildered as to where to stop once the lights began to change – likewise pedestrians crossed just anywhere they could.

It really beggars belief that the City Coucil Roads Division or whoever is responsible for this are even daring to leave College Green of all places like this – it encapsulates their attitude to public safety 100%. The fact that they know they can get away with College Green being left in such a state is nothing short of frightening, both in terms of the possible implications in this instance, and their wider operations in the city.

How dare they endanger public safety because they can’t be bothered to get up of their backsides and finish the job.
I use this crossing daily, often twice, and am only too well aware of the dangers of this crossing. Both the speed and size of the vehicles using this stretch of road, and the volumes of pedestrians availing of the crossing ought to make this of all jobs in the city – if not just from a shallow PR perspective – of greatest priority in the protection of public safety.

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