Re: Howard Holdings Lavitts Quay Hotel Proposal – Further Info details

Home Forums Ireland Look at de state of Cork, like! Re: Howard Holdings Lavitts Quay Hotel Proposal – Further Info details


As reported, the 7-storey, 125-bedroom hotel and retail development proposed for 16, 17 and 18 Lavitts Quay by Howard Holdings (Ellesmere Properties Ltd) has seen Further Information requested by the CCC planner Michael Lynch.

The details of the Further Information are, in summary, the following:

1. The VIS submitted was considered insufficient – and did not provide adequate angles of persepctive regarding the proposed development. (I whole-heartedly agree).

2. The VIS did not cater for revised design options incl. height reductions/alterations and mass issues.

3. The design of the and massing (notably the 6th floor and roof borders) are inadequate in their current form.

4. A detailled archeaological assessment regarding the site is requested.

5. A revised design via Significant Further Information is requested – as the current development proposal is inadequate in its existing form.

I would agree with the planners 100% on this one – the design is unacceptable. I should hope Howard Holdings and RORSA resubmit a more pleasingly designed project in the future – however, given the extent of the requests made of the developers, undoubtedly, it will be a few months at least until a revised scheme is submitted. Although I agree with the principle of the development, the design is exceptionally bland and downright ugly. (Though not as ugly as the Derek Tynan abomination at Crosses Green!!!)

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