Re: Chill out

Home Forums Ireland Metropolis, ah ah, ??????? Re: Chill out

Sean Carney

Eh everyone take a deep breath and chill out :). “U” all acting like u a bunch of snobs here. I’m an intelligent person but I don’t need to critisice, (spelling probably wrong, I think I may be Dyslexic???? spelling please)
We talking on a forum here not writing out a report.
Anyway I heard it said that once you go above 6 floors the cost of the development rises?
Also here in Castlebar there has been a lot of retail development lately and I believe when town/city centres developing retail space the top floors should have apartments, thus giving life to the streets and espically after midnight the place would not go dead, can you see where I coming from. I think all these apartments should have balconies overlooking the street.

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