Reply To: Luas Central – Which Route?

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Originally posted by Paul Clerkin

This was supposed to run from Nassau Street to Moss Street and was to link up with an intended bridge at the Custom House. Circa 1850s

Thank Christ that it was never built, they were a very destructive bunch our Victorian Rail scheme proponents. I fear that we are stuck with the loopline for ever, and to think that one scheme even involved a rail line over the Liffey from Tara St to Heuston. On a more positive note the interconnector is included in the DDDA 2003 masterplan along a clear route as a clear objective on one of only two maps.

BTW I strongly agree with Luas going around the dead side of Trinity as it would provide better access and density opportunity benefits than the mere bonus of an aestetic bonus on College Green.

I strongly believe that the buses must not become the meat in the sandwich as it is difficult enough to make the bus system attractive as it is.

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