Reply To: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Home Forums Ireland college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians Reply To: college green/ o’connell street plaza and pedestrians

Rory W

The streets of Dublin were made for traffic, as any in other town, but just let’s not do what they have done in Holland where most town centers are pedestrianised, and it just doesn’t work or feel right, it’s like walking around a theme park.

Yeah – wouldn’t it be awful not having to wait 180 seconds for the 15 second break you get to cross at College Green. Imagine how false it would be without having a HGV belching fumes into your face and wouldn’t it be simply awful having reduced pollution and dodging in and out of cars who stray onto pedestrian crossings when the lights are against them. And as for not getting nearly mowed down by cars that break red lights. Jesus what a hell on earth Dublin would become.

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