Reply To: Irish say no to PVC windows

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It’s the precendent set that’s possibly the worst aspect of it – within months they creep down streets and roads into neighbouring properties. And sometimes people ask their neighbours if they’d like it done as well at the same time, reducing the cost, whilst increasing the damage to the street and buildings.

Certainly there are many people who are simply unaware of the damage being done, but so much is carried out by persons only too well in tune with what they’re at, esp developers. Many people as you say simply don’t agree with being told what to do – an issue highlighted fairly recently on the radio, albeit a bit off-topic, with Victorian owners in south Dublin annoyed at being prevented from removing railings and paving over front gardens.

Nice to see someone cares:

PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The provision of a vehicular entrance and one parking space, replacing section of boundary fence with matching ironwork gates at Palmerston Park, Rathmines, Dublin.


REFUSE permission for the above proposed development based on the reasons and considerations set out below.


The existing dwelling at Palmerston Park is included in the Record of Protected Structures, and the site of the proposed development is located in an area designated, in the current Dublin City Development Plan, with zoning objective Z2 – “To protect and/or improve the amenities of Residential Conservation areas”. It is the policy of the planning authority to protect and enhance such areas. It is considered that the proposed development, entailing removal of a section of the original front railings and plinth wall, its replacement by vehicular entrance gates and conversion of part of the front garden area to car parking use, would detract from the streetscape character of the area and from the setting of the protected structure and would set a precedent for further similar development in the area. Accordingly, the proposed development would conflict with the reasonable policy of the planning authority, would materially and adversely affect a protected structure and would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Member of An Bord Pleanála duly authorised to authenticatet the seal of the Board.

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