Reply To: Does anyone know the architect name for this building?

Home Forums Ireland Does anyone know the architect name for this building? Reply To: Does anyone know the architect name for this building?


And I like it!!!

Well not so much work-house and asylums as cathedrals and ye olde grande houses. Whatever anyone says, the very fact the Watergold Building gets a response out of people justifies the fact it has character. The Humana Building above is the same. I just know what I like, some of my projects are of a similar style – but future ones are going to lean a lot more on Gothic/Romanesque meets Modernity and Cheateau Grande style – incorporating all that is positive in modern Irish architecture along the way. Towering stone colums, ornate detail, mansard roofs – the works. Think Antonio Gaudi et al Sagrada Familia meets the Watergold Building. Don’t pass judgement yet, just wait and see the results first.

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