Reply To: All aboard the Luas, at last Tickets, please: the low-down on Luas

Home Forums Ireland All aboard the Luas, at last Tickets, please: the low-down on Luas Reply To: All aboard the Luas, at last Tickets, please: the low-down on Luas


HaHa: The economic illiteracy at IndyMedia is hilarious, as is their belief that anyone who owns a second house is “ruling class”. That would make my barber ruling class, since he owns 2 houses – and rents one, or so he said last weekend. He just got lucky on the capital appreciation from when he bought the first house.

A “marxist” philosophy that pits lumpen squatters against working class people with two houses bought with mortgages is probably not going to get the critical mass of “proletarian” support they think – quite the opposite.

( I should point out that I am in the renting sector myself)

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