Reply To: Irelands Ten Worst Roundabouts

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Quote “‘waiting to be used’ for development purposes just get left their – these places are normally littered with the detriteus of modern urban living – corrigated iron, old fridges, and numerous other examples of human waste mingled in with nature.”

No that only happens in Ireland and Columbia, it isn’t part of a civilised culture

Quote “I enjoyed the recent AAI lecture – where in Holland, they leave all activities happen in these ‘edgedoms’ for a 5 year period, and then whatever use is most common in that area after 5 years – it becomes law – that is what the area will become.”

Sounds like the world according to Michael O’Leary, not saying that is a bad thing, Diaspora broke his investment model last thursday to purchase a small number of aviation shares.

Sounds like a temporary vs planned environment, it sounds like it would certainly be easier to regulate than the anarchy in place here. I have always had sympathy for the ‘first farms’ beyond vast housing estates as it must be very difficult to manage livestock with wandering kids entering your lands

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