Reply To: Irelands Ten Worst Roundabouts

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I think it’s more the principle that concerns them – if they can’t get this through or some bloody stupid fresh water mussel in N8 Durrow then the NIMBY types and auto-objectors will win in every case and set an extemely damaging precedent to our future prosperity. It is a FACT that objections to large scale projects like this are well known and noted abroad and have in the past caused Ireland to lose out on projects from certain multinationals. Talk to anyone who sit at OECD or IDA meetings. It reflects badly on us if we are unable to sacrifice to deliver projects. I’m not saying the NRA have designed well, or avoided where necessary. Nor am I suggesting that we have to demolish every trace of our past. But there is a necessary trade off, and no exceptions – progress does have a price. Also the views of the loudest does not necesarily mean the views of the many. In the case of Durrow – if this fresh water mussel is so precious and world reknowned – why is it not feted from the hills? Personally I would prefer Irelands two main cities to have one less boreen linking them.

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