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Bob (Republican supporter???),

I have objection copies and the full planning report thank you. In the above post, it is unreasonable for me to include full details of the planning report as it takes up a considerable amount of space – which is highly inappropriate, hence, I pick out some main points and post them.

If you read the above post you’ll see I agree with the CCC [Cork City Council] decision too. ( Quote: lexington – “Although I’m disappointed in seeing development lost to an area so badly needing of it – I have to agree with CCC on this one. Hopefully Old Friary will revise their plans and come back with something of a higher quality. ” )

I read the report and had a chat with an individual from Castle Close and I totally agree with the decisions taken. When I cited my disappointment – it’s a disappointment that a potential rejuvenating development for Shadon Street Area has been lost, but clearly, a development such as this under the circumstances it stirred is unacceptable. I would be anxious to see a standard of development at this location which compliments the new renewal of Shadon Street and works well with its fine residents. Hence why I hope Old Friary pull up their socks and get to work on a project of a greater suitability with concern to neighbouring residents and the historic Shandon Street area as a whole. So, there’s no real argument here – I’m 100% behind you on this one.

[P.S. When I refer to quality, I don’t specifically refer to aesthetics – it’s inclusive of how the project affects its neighbours, the quality of life it supports to its residents (of which this project was lacking to say the least) and the quality of the surrounding environment resultant of the development (e.g. traffic management, refuse etc).]

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