Reply To: Stephens Green Paving

Home Forums Ireland Stephens Green Paving Reply To: Stephens Green Paving


Aaah! Never! 🙂 Us Northsiders get our fair share!

The Green is probably not the best example of this as it is OPW owned, but O’Connell Street is a puzzle alright. After all we were told (in fact I was told in a letter from the IAP office at DCC) that the Spire would be in place in Jan (which it was) and that the three stage repaving programme would start directly after. Even taking into accpunt St Patricks Day taht would mean the works starting at the beginning of April. But May beckons and we are still waiting for them to solve the lighting problem on the Spire! As this stage I think an official unveiling would be a joke!

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