Reply To: turning potential employees away at your front door

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bye the bye…..are you to good to spend five minutes with someone who put in the effort, and sucked up their humility, to come to your door with a slim chance that they may get hired? give me a break! cold calling is a way of life, and if you ever left dublin you would know that! you should be thrilled that someone has walked up to your door for an interview, its a complement!

i am surprised you are still in business with an attitude like yours, you say that I am bitter, well you sound arrogant, with a slight hint of pathetic


ps…bitter….no! dissapointed…..yes! of course you wouldn’t know that becaue you just assume that I am the one looking for work……ever think that I am just sick of hearing about these stories from the highly educated designers that come to my door everyday….and that I am listening to….and that I have to defend my so called ‘collegues’ to.

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