Reply To: The Abbey Theatre – should it stay or should it go

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Regarding the use of the Carlton.

If I recall correctly the Carlton has negligible dressing rooms, no fly tower and only a very shallow stage. It might be possible to build backwad, leaving the auditorium, but I suspect that the rear wall runs up to the lane, leaving no space to push back the stage.(That is unless the lane goes too).

In all the times I was there I do not recall ever leaving at the back of the cinema, from the exits on either side of the screen, -which seem to have been true emergency exits. I vaguely recall a gents toilet behind the screen on the right, if my memory does not play tricks, but I think I am correct in saying the space beyind the screen is characteristically shallow, as in all purpose built cinemas.

It does have a very interesting art deco decorative panels on each side of the screen. Again these should be preserved. I assume they are still in place.

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