1874 – Congregational Church, Goole, Yorkshire
From The Building News, October 9 1874: “The new Congregational church and schools about to be erected at Goole (of which we this week give a perepective view) are designed to accommodate about 330 persons, with transept in addition appropriated for sittings for 100 children. Tho nave or body of the church will be 61ft. long bv HlUt. wide in the dear, and the sittings are so arranged that every person will have an uninterrupted view of the pulpit, the interior of the building having been planned thoroughly for congregational use. The pews will be 20lt. 6in”. from centre to centre. 2Oin. being allowed for each sitting. An apsidal chancel containing choir scats is arranged at the pulpit end of the building, with organ-chamber and vestry on either side. The chancel will be only of sufficient size to comfortably accommotodate the choir, as no unnecessary expense is considered desirable in this part of the edifice. The nave will have an open-timbered roof, the height up to the wall- plate being about 18ft.,and to the underside of the ridge about 33.5ft. The floor level of the church will be 13ft. above the finished level of the main road, and will be reached by a spacious staircase of stone, the main entrance being through the tower facing Hook-road and the river. The schoolroom and classrooms will be under the church, very spacious, well lighted, and ventilated. The Sunday-school (forming also a room for public and tea-meetings) will be about 40ft. long by 30ft. wide, lighted by large windows along the sides. The infant-school will be under the chancel. Four classrooms will be immediately provided, with provision for two additional rooms at a future time. A small kitchen, with boiler (for tea-meetings) is provided, also heating apparatus, coal-cellar, and the usual offices. A staircase is arranged so that the Sunday-school children can be taken into the church without going into the open air. The building will have a tower and spire, rising to a height of about 140ft. Mr. Thomas Porter, of 5, Westminster Chambers, is the architect.
Published May 17, 2013