1873 – Cemetery, Chapel, Woking
Published in The Building News, October 24 1873: “Tho buildings .shown in tho illustration have been erected in the small private cemetery at Woking belonging to tho Order of Reparation (one of tho few religious orders in the Church of Eng;and). The chapel is built of red bricks with Bath stone dressings, and roofed with brown tiles; it measures 21ft. by 12ft. internally, just giving sufficient room for priest, server, bier and choir, and is so arranged that when used for a funeral, windows can be taken out and the doors fold behind the piers. The reredos ia a plain tile one at present, and the windows of tinted cathedral glass in square quarries. The figures for churchyard cross and memorial cross are cast-iron, electro-bronzed, and were obtained in Belgium. The chapel, lych gate, and churchyard cross have been erected by Messrs. Richardson Bros., of 32, London Wall, E.C., for tho sum of £270, and the small memorial cross by Messrs. Cox and Sons, all designed and superintended by Messrs. Sulman and Rhodes, 1, Guildhall Chambers, Businghall-street, E.C.”
Published May 23, 2013 | Last Updated June 6, 2016