1883 – Royal Jubilee School, Newcastle upon Tyne
Architect: Dunn & Hansom
Perspective view including plans published in The Building News, September 7th 1883. Never completed as designed,
Perspective view including plans published in The Building News, September 7th 1883. Never completed as designed,
Front Elevation including plans as published in The Building News. September 3rd 1886.
Perspective View with small plan & Interior View, published in The Building News, October 7th 1887.
In 1886 the Mayor of Newcastle requested the use of the Bull Park to hold the Royal Jubilee Exhibition in 1887 to commemorate Queen Victoria’s 50th year on the throne.
The 18th-century boat-builder William Wouldhave is commemorated by the Wouldhave Memorial, at Pier Head, South Shields for his part in the invention of the self-righting lifeboat.
“This is a branch library, erected in Heaton Park at the expense of Alderman W. H.