Random Building
1869 – Brighton County Court, Sussex
Not quite built as illustrated in The Building News, the former County Court of Sussex still stands today in Church St., Brighton.
From The Building News, February 21, 1869: “THE subject of our illustration is being erected in Church-street, adjoining the Old Infantry Barracks, and contiguous to the Pavilion. It is designed to provide adequate accommodation for the increasing business of the County Court, and contains a public office, 31ft. 6in. by 20ft. ; bailiff’s office, ISft. by 10ft. ; registrar’s office, 20ft. by 17ft.; judges’ room, l7ft. by 18ft. ; court, 41ft. by 35ft. ; with open timber roof, 34ft. high ; with the requisite retiring and consulting rooms, kc. Cellars are provided in the basement, and additional offices and apartments for the residence of the office-keeper on the first floor. The structure will be of red brick, with selected Bath stone dressings, and covered with tiles ; the doors, sashes, and the principal part of the joinery will be of Stettin oak. The buildings generally will be warmed by warmed fresh air in large volume, with adequate provision for the extraction of the foul air from the various rooms. Ten tenders were submitted for the erection of the building, varying from £6,246 to £5,395, which sum, that submitted by Mr. J. T. Chappell, of Steyning, was accepted. Mr. Thomas Charles Sorby, of Brunswick-square, London, is the architect.”
Published March 16, 2013