Bono’s hotel plan angers Dublin traditionalists
A proposal by Bono to create what has been described as Europe’s most spectacular hotel has produced a clash between modernisers and traditionalists in the Irish capital. The U2 singer has put forward plans for a dramatic structure with a spaceship-shaped glass dome at the summit of an extraordinary atrium extending from the basement to the rooftop. It has been described as a “skycatcher” and a “white hovering halo.” If approved by the authorities, the scheme would undoubtedly provide Dublin with an eye-catching new signature building. The design has been drawn up by the internationally-known London architect Lord Foster, who has said his aim was “to create grandeur”. The scheme involves a radical redesign and expansion of the Clarence Hotel, which is owned by Bono and U2’s guitarist, the Edge. It would transform what is at the moment a discreet boutique hotel into an ultra-glamorous new Dublin landmark, on the bank of the river Liffey and adjoining the busy Temple Bar district.