A philosophical question on Concepts in Architecture

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    • #707307

      Is there such a thing as a wordless concept in architecture? if so how can it exisit & how do we understand/ see it without the support of language?

    • #745761

      No. And why would you want to anyway? It’s hard to share life without words. An example of what I mean is contained in the following discussion – ‘Dublin Conversation’, in which the Italian architects Elena Carlini and Pietro Valle talked to Sheila O’Donnell and John Tuomey in March 2003 – http://architettura.supereva.it/files/20030320/index_en.htm Enjoy the chat!

    • #745762

      Sounds like a Garethace classic 🙂

    • #745763

      furthermore is there a place in 21century corporate media driven world, for architecture that “just is” no need for rationalisation or explanation? in truth, silent. In a room of shouting voices can there be silence?

    • #745764

      I suppose to a certain extant there are firms that build based on an original diagramatic sketch. For example UN Studios (Ben Van Berkel) have a complitation of basic diagrams that they apply to each project, although from what I understand not every diagram is exclusive to a project.
      The initial diagram is a visual manifesto that is adhered to throughout the design process……a wordless concept?

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