2009 – Proposal for Station & Tower, Tara Street, Dublin
In October 2009, An Bord Pleanála told Iarnród Éireann that the proposed office building, because of its height and scale, would have an adverse effect not only on the Custom House, but the riverscape, streetscape, and the visual character of the city centre.
The station was to see a 12-metre-high station concourse as its focal point, with the capacity to cater for up to 14,500 passengers per hour at peak. To fund the development of the station, a landmark office development will also be included over the station, with an office space of 8,400 square metres, or nine stories of office development over a three-storey height concourse area. The building was to be slightly higher than nearby Liberty Hall. The development included a glazed three-storey concourse and 10 storeys of office accommodation, has been designed by Canadian architects Adamson Associates.
The project was led by Iarnród Eireann Architects in conjunction with Aecom/Austin Smith-Lord, the original design was by Adamson Associates/Murray & Murray working with Iarnród Eireann Architects. In February 2010, An Bord Pleanála decided to grant planning permission. The ABP decision to grant permission conditioned a reduction in height by 3 office floors which made the proposal economically unviable.
Published September 20, 2024