Random Building
2001 – Boardwalk, Liffey Quays, Dublin
Constructed as a Millenium project along Bachelors Walk and Lower Ormond Quay, the Boardwalk is an attractive promenade mounted on the quay walls at road level over the Liffey. With wooden benches for seating, it has quickly become a popular way to walk through the city centre or spend lunchtime. Unfortunately, the three cafes designed as part of the project were unsuccessful business ventures and are now closed. The Boardwalk is in three sections and access points are beside the various bridges along this stretch of the river. It has been suggested that it be extended to Heuston Station. However, due to the low water levels in the river at times, a weir would be needed to maximise the attractiveness of the boardwalk.
Published February 4, 2010 | Last Updated June 28, 2024