1960 – Private House, 5 Windsor Ave. North, Belfast

Architect: Louis A. Roche, Munce & Kennedy



Practice was formed in 1919 between James Stilwell Munce and Edwin Riddell Kennedy. After Kennedy’s death in 1930 the business was carried on by Munce under the same name and, after Munce’s death in 1952 or 1953, by his son James Frederick Munce, who renamed it the James Munce Partnership in the 1960s. Louis Adair Roche joined the firm as design architect in 1957 and designed this house for himself and his family. Later he sold it to buy a share of the partnership. House built facing inwards on its site, presenting a blanker facade to the street. The rear of the house is treated like a courtyard with a number of doorways and large windows facing out onto a sunked patio.

Published July 25, 2024 | Last Updated July 30, 2024