1932 – Christie’s Biscuit Factory, Notre Dame Ave., Winnipeg
A very impressive Art Deco building, this former biscuit factory was designed by an inhouse architecture team with locally based architect George G. Teeter as supervisory architect. It is quite massive, measuring 126 feet by 482 feet, and finished in brick and Tyndall stone. Costing $750,000 and with an equipment cost $250,000, it was a major investment for Christie who were based in Ontario. It opened officially on 15 February 1932.
The exterior has many Art Deco features including the treatments to the service tower and the low relief capitals on the pilasters along the facades. The former office entrance has art deco incised lettering and fine hanging light fixtures to each side. Extended in 1953. Closed in 1978, later used as a garment factory. Since converted into a centre providing support for children and youth with special needs.
Published January 13, 2025