1914 – Waddell Fountain, Central Park, Winnipeg
Installed to commemorate one Emily Margaret Waddell. Mrs. Waddell died, in 1908, after a major operation while in the United States, and stipulated in her will that if her husband Thomas, a local temperance leader, remarried, that he donate $10,000 to the City for construction of a fountain. Thomas was planning to remarry but did not have the funds available to complete his part of the legal agreement. Eventually he was able to give the City the $10,000 and, local architect John Manuel was selected to design the fountain several years after Emily’s death. The Waddell Fountain is a rare example of High Victorian style in Manitoba and is loosely based on the 1844 Sir Walter Scott memorial in Edinburgh. Manuel also designed structures at the University of Manitoba and was active in the Manitoba Association of Architects before relocating to Alberta in 1927 to direct construction of Canadian Pacific Railway hotels at Banff and Lake Louise.
Published July 22, 2024 | Last Updated November 8, 2024