1906 – Central Station, Sydney, Australia

Architect: Walter L. Vernon




Opened on 4 August 1906, Central Station is the third station to be built in its vicinity since the first station opened 51 years earlier. Sydney’s Central Station was designed by the Government Architect, Walter Liberty Vernon, and has been described as the “grandest railway station in Australia.” It is listed on the Register of the National Estate. A 75-metre clock tower in the Free Classical style was added at the north-western corner of the station, opened in 3 March 1921.

With its high arched roof, Central’s Grand Concourse was one of its most impressive features when first opened and remains so today. Originally the concourse roof stood clear of the main building but has become obscured as extra floors were added. The station was actually built in two stages as an economy measure. Work on stage two, incorporating two additional floors and the clock tower, commenced in 1915 but wartime restrictions slowed construction considerably and these were not completed until 1921.

Published December 6, 2013