Random Building
1898 – Bath Co-operative Cabinet Makers’ Company Factory, Somerset
“This building was erected in 1898 for the Bath Co-operative Cabinet Makers’ Company by Messrs. Hayward and Wooster, of Bath, under the supervision of Mr. E.J. Trotman, clerk of the works. The materials used in the construction are Shortwood bricks in the piers and walls, wooden frames and casements, and the roof is covered with double Roman tiles : the turrets are of timber surmounted by small copper domes. In designing the building an effort was made to depart entirely from the usual bald ugliness of most factory buildings, and at the same time it was thought desirable to eliminate anything in the nature of decorative detail : the construction of the building, the vertical battered piers, the horizontal girders forming the floors being left to tell their own tale. The architects are Messrs. Silcock and Reay, of Bath.” The Building News, July 7 1899.
Published June 25, 2009 | Last Updated April 5, 2014