Random Building
1898 – Police Station, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
“This is a new police-station recently erected at Stoke-on-Trent, for the Staffordshire Standing Joint Committee. The design was selected in a limited competition. The building is constructed of brickwork with Hollington stone dressings, and Staffordshire pressed tiles on the roofs. The various rooms, cells, and passages are lined with glazed bricks, and the floors are mainly concreted and covered with wood blocks. The police-station comprises a charge-room, tramp- office, superintendent’s office with day-room, kitchen. Sec, and six cells; and on the upper floor are provided the men’s dormitories, bathroom, &c. Adjoining te station is the superintendent’s house, in which good accommodation is provided, and a police drill-yard in the rear. The builder is Mr. Chas. Cope, of Tunstall. Mr. Dixon has acted as clerk of works, the architects being Messrs. Wood and Hutchings, of Tunstall and Durslem.” Published in The Building News, September 16 1898.
Published May 17, 2014 | Last Updated May 27, 2014