1898 – Isolation Home, Chalfont St. Peter, Buckinghamshire
“This building, in course of erection, is the gift of Mrs. Dearmer to the National Society for the Employment of Epileptics, and although one of the least in point of size, this home will he by no means the least useful in the working economy of the Colony. In style it will harmonise with the series of buildings already completed or now in progress at the expense of Sir. J. Passmore Edwards, who bought the estate and dedicated it to the objects for which it is now being put by this most useful and indefatigable Society. Rigid economy has had to be studied, and picturesqueness is obtained by the simplest means. The working drawings herewith photographed show the accommodation provided. Red brick and tiles, with stone sparingly used, are th ematerials employed. The heating is by Messrs. Haden. The builder is Mr. George Darlington. Mr. Maurice B. Adams, F.R.I.B.A., is the architect.” Published in The Building News, February 25 1898.
Published January 1, 2014 | Last Updated January 11, 2014